In ancient India, Vishvamitra was a king who was also known as Kaushika, or "descendant of Kusha." He was the great-grandson of a great king named Kusha and a brave warrior. Bala Kanda's prose 51 of the Valmiki Ramayana begins with Vishvamitra's story. The powerful and truly righteous Kushanabha was the son of Kusha, the king who was Prajapati's creation. Gaadhi, a well-known person, was the son of Kushanabha, and Vishvamitra, a great saint of great splendor, is the son of Gaadhi. The earth was ruled by Vishvamitra, a great king who ruled the kingdom for many thousands of years. His story is also told in a number of Puranas, but they differ from the Ramayana. The birth of Vishvamitra is described in Mahabharatha's Vishnu Purana and Harivamsha chapter 27 (about the Amaavasu dynasty). Kushika, according to the Vishnu Purana, had a daughter named Satyavati and a son named Gaadhi when he married a damsel from the Purukutsa dynasty (later known as the Shatamarshana lineage, descendants of the Ikshvaku king Trasadasyu). On one of his expeditions, he and his soldiers stopped for rest in the ashram of Ri His entire army was well-fed and cared for there. The king was perplexed as to how this seemingly insignificant ashram could manage the logistics of feeding an entire army. He told the sage how surprised he was. Vasistha responded, "O king, my calf Nandini (sometimes referred to as Sabala), who was gifted to me by Indra, has provided this feast that you have participated in with your kinsmen." You must be aware that she is the daughter of Kamadhenu, Indra's cow.